Service Contracts

At Alabama Heating and Cooling, we understand that maintaining your HVAC system is crucial for ensuring its longevity, efficiency, and reliability. That’s why we offer comprehensive service contracts designed to provide you with peace of mind and uninterrupted comfort throughout the year. Our service contracts offer a range of benefits that keep your heating and cooling systems running smoothly and efficiently, saving you time, money, and stress.

Our service contracts include bi-annual maintenance visits, during which our skilled technicians thoroughly inspect, clean, and tune-up your HVAC system. These routine check-ups are scheduled before the start of the heating and cooling seasons to ensure your system is ready to perform at its best when you need it most. Regular maintenance helps identify and address minor issues before they become major problems, reducing the risk of unexpected breakdowns and costly repairs.

As a service contract holder, you will receive priority service scheduling, ensuring that your needs are addressed promptly, even during peak seasons. This means shorter wait times and faster response to any service requests you may have. Additionally, our service contracts include exclusive discounts on repairs, parts, and labor. You can enjoy significant savings on any necessary repairs or replacements, making it a cost-effective way to manage your HVAC system’s upkeep.

Our maintenance visits involve a detailed inspection of your entire HVAC system. Our technicians check all components, including the thermostat, electrical connections, refrigerant levels, coils, filters, and more. By thoroughly inspecting each part of your system, we ensure it operates efficiently and effectively, providing optimal performance and comfort.

Regular maintenance through our service contracts helps improve the efficiency and performance of your HVAC system. Clean and well-maintained systems operate more efficiently, reducing energy consumption and lowering your utility bills. Our technicians will also provide you with tips and recommendations on how to maintain your system between visits, ensuring it continues to run smoothly.

Investing in a service contract can significantly extend the lifespan of your HVAC system. Regular maintenance helps prevent wear and tear, reduces the likelihood of major component failures, and ensures that your system operates at peak efficiency. This proactive approach to maintenance helps protect your investment and prolongs the life of your heating and cooling equipment.

With an Alabama Heating and Cooling service contract, you can rest easy knowing that your HVAC system is in expert hands. Our experienced technicians are dedicated to providing top-quality service and ensuring your system is always ready to deliver reliable comfort. You’ll have the assurance that any issues will be promptly addressed, and your system will receive the care it needs to operate efficiently.

We offer a variety of service contract plans to suit your specific needs and budget. Whether you have a single HVAC system or multiple units, we can tailor a plan that provides the coverage and benefits you require. Our flexible plans are designed to accommodate different types of systems and varying levels of service, ensuring you get the right level of care for your home.

Protect your HVAC investment and ensure year-round comfort with a service contract from Alabama Heating and Cooling. Contact us today to learn more about our service contract options and how they can benefit you. Our friendly and knowledgeable team is ready to assist you in choosing the perfect plan to keep your home comfortable and your HVAC system running efficiently.

Call the pros that know!